Self-Portrait with Armor

August 21st, 2017: I was surprised to discover this missing in the collection of Self-Portraits. Always good to be reminded of what I loved when I started, to see the distance traveled, and to note that some things haven't changed.

A Break in the Rain along the Tiber

The painting was started this past summer on a sunny July morning.…
Salome Oil Painting Full Size

Salome in Waiting

"Salome" is available for purchase, including the frame, if desired. If you are interested, please contact me.

The Dig

"The Dig" is available for purchase, including the frame, if desired. If you are interested, please contact me.

The Night Watch

"The Night Watch" is available for purchase, including the frame, if desired. If you are interested, please contact me.

Boar Skull


The Portrait of Zia Marisa

One way to limit the use of photography in the studio: draw from life, paint from the drawing.

Odyssey’s End


Watercolors from the Grand Canyon

I'm finally getting around to bringing over all remaining images…

Portrait of Saga alla Prima

Those of you with me for Figure Drawing on Thursdays at the…